IIM Ahmedabad's Publications (Web of Science)


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Total No of Publication : 1735

A Bayesian nonparametric approach for multiple mediators with applications in mental health studies

Mediation analysis with contemporaneously observed multiple mediators is a significant area of causal inference. Recent approaches for multiple mediators are often based on parametric models and thus may suffer from model misspecification. Also, much of the existing literature either only allow esti...(Read Full Abstract)

A data-adaptive method for outlier detection from functional data

  • Authors: Lakra, Arjun; Banerjee, Buddhananda; Laha, Arnab Kumar
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Statistics and Computing
    DOI: 10.1007/s11222-023-10301-8

Outliers present in a data set can severely impact the statistical analysis and lead to erroneous conclusions. Hence, outlier identification is an important task before analysis of data is undertaken. Outliers being different from the rest of the observations in a data set may contain valuable infor...(Read Full Abstract)

A Field Experiment on Marketplace Literacy and Self-Help Group Membership in Subsistence Marketplaces

  • Authors: Viswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Jaikumar, Saravana; Dutta, Shantanu
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Macromarketing
    DOI: 10.1177/02761467241302460

We conducted a field experiment to gain marketing insights into low-income, subsistence consumers in emerging markets. We examined two phenomena- marketplace literacy which is knowledge and skills about the marketplace to overcome challenges with low income and relatively lower literacy, and members...(Read Full Abstract)

A framework for fair decision-making over time with time-invariant utilities

  • Authors: Lodi, Andrea; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram; Wang, Guanyi
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: European Journal of Operational Research
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.11.030
    Access Type: Green

Fairness is a major concern in contemporary decision problems. In these situations, the objective is to maximize fairness while preserving the efficacy of the underlying decision-making problem. This paper examines repeated decisions on problems involving multiple stakeholders and a central decision...(Read Full Abstract)

A gradient-based bilevel optimization approach for tuning regularization hyperparameters

  • Authors: Sinha, Ankur; Khandait, Tanmay; Mohanty, Raja
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Optimization Letters
    DOI: 10.1007/s11590-023-02057-x

Hyperparameter tuning in the area of machine learning is often achieved using naive techniques, such as random search and grid search. However, most of these methods seldom lead to an optimal set of hyperparameters and often get very expensive. The hyperparameter optimization problem is inherently a...(Read Full Abstract)

A Machine Learning Approach to Solve the E-commerce Box-Sizing Problem

  • Authors: Kandula, Shanthan; Roy, Debjit; Akartunali, Kerem
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Production and Operations Management
    DOI: 10.1177/10591478241282249
    Access Type: Green

E-commerce packages are notorious for their inefficient usage of space. More than one-quarter volume of a typical e-commerce package comprises air and filler material. The inefficient usage of space significantly reduces the transportation and distribution capacity increasing the operational costs. ...(Read Full Abstract)

A pathway design framework for national freight transport decarbonization strategies

  • Authors: Briand, Yann; Gupta, Dipti; D'Agosto, Marcio de Almeida; Goes, George Vasconcelos; Goncalves, Daniel Neves Schmitz; Garg, Amit; Vishwanathan, Saritha Sudharmma; Ahjum, Fadiel; Trollip, Hilton; McCall, Bryce; Siagan, Ucok W. R.; Dewi, Retno Gumilang; Pye,
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Climate Policy
    DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2024.2412709

National and international freight transport emissions represent about 40% of global transport emissions, with demand expected to triple by 2050, which will increase emissions further. However, to meet the 1.5 degrees C climate goal, a rapid decrease in transport emissions is required, along with th...(Read Full Abstract)

Addressing difficulties with abstract thinking for low-literate, low-income consumers through marketplace literacy: A bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing education

  • Authors: Viswanathan, Madhu; Jaikumar, Saravana; Sreekumar, Arun; Dutta, Shantanu; Duhachek, Adam
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Consumer Affairs
    DOI: 10.1111/joca.12595
    Access Type: Hybrid

We examine a bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing education for subsistence consumers, that is, those with low income and relatively lower literacy levels. They face a variety of cognitive and other constraints, with difficulty in abstract thinking being a central issue that is critical for ...(Read Full Abstract)

Addressing grand challenges through the bottom-up marketing approach: Lessons from subsistence marketplaces and marketplace literacy

  • Authors: Viswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Sridharan, Srinivas; Sinha, Gaurav R.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
    DOI: 10.1007/s11747-024-01022-z
    Access Type: hybrid

We present a bottom-up marketing approach as a pathway to addressing the grand challenge of poverty and inequality for the marketing discipline. We derive this approach from the research stream on radically different contexts of subsistence marketplaces. Research on subsistence marketplaces has typi...(Read Full Abstract)

Addressing grand challenges through the bottom-up marketing approach: Lessons from subsistence marketplaces and marketplace literacy (vol 52, pg 1279, 2024)

  • Authors: Viswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Sridharan, Srinivas; Sinha, Gaurav R.
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
    DOI: 10.1007/s11747-024-01069-y

We present a bottom-up marketing approach as a pathway to addressing the grand challenge of poverty and inequality for the marketing discipline. We derive this approach from the research stream on radically different contexts of subsistence marketplaces. Research on subsistence marketplaces has typi...(Read Full Abstract)

Adoption of agronomic practices and their impact on crop yield and income: An analysis for black gram and green gram in India

  • Authors: Varma, Poornima; Manda, Julius
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Agricultural Economics
    DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12617

Black gram and green gram are important pulse crops in India, but their production has faced fluctuations and stagnancy in yields over the last few decades. The Government of India has implemented several measures to enhance crop yield, including recommending and promoting the adoption of crop-speci...(Read Full Abstract)

Advantages of foreignness and accelerator selection: A study of foreign-born entrepreneurs

  • Authors: Fuad, Mohammad; Mohaghegh, Mohsen; Malhotra, Shavin
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of World Business
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2024.101584

Foreign-born entrepreneurs are crucial for new ventures and regional growth. A key driver of their success is selection into business accelerator programs. We theorize that foreign-born founders with local residency and work experience are more likely to be selected by these programs. However, the i...(Read Full Abstract)

Ambient air pollution and daily mortality in ten cities of India: a causal modelling study

  • Authors: Bont, Jeroen de; Krishna, Bhargav; Stafoggia, Massimo; Banerjee, Tirthankar; Dholakia, Hem; Garg, Amit; Ingole, Vijendra; Jaganathan, Suganthi; Kloog, Itai; Lane, Kevin; Mall, Rajesh Kumar; Mandal, Siddhartha; Nori-Sarma, Amruta; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ra
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Lancet Planetary Health

Background The evidence for acute effects of air pollution on mortality in India is scarce, despite the extreme concentrations of air pollution observed. This is the first multi-city study in India that examines the association between short-term exposure to PM (25) and daily mortality using causal ...(Read Full Abstract)

An accounting framework for implementing India's NDCs and reporting the capacity building needs in the context of the Paris rulebook

  • Authors: Prusty, Debasish; Garg, Amit; Solanki, Umesh; Maheshwari, Jyoti
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Climate and Development
    DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2023.2247388

The purpose of this paper is to suggest an accounting framework for India for implementation of its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and design the appropriate modality for reporting its capacity building needs and priorities in a manner that is in consonance with the provisions of the Par...(Read Full Abstract)

An analysis of the dual burden of childhood stunting and wasting in Myanmar: a copula geoadditive modelling approach

  • Authors: Bhadra, Dhiman
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Public Health Nutrition
    DOI: 10.1017/S1368980024000193
    Access Type: Gold, Green Published

Objective: To analyse the spatial variation and risk factors of the dual burden of childhood stunting and wasting in Myanmar.Design: Analysis was carried out on nationally representative data obtained from the Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey conducted during 2015-2016. Childhood stunting and w...(Read Full Abstract)

An exact method for trilevel hub location problem with interdiction

  • Authors: Ramamoorthy, Prasanna; Jayaswal, Sachin; Sinha, Ankur; Vidyarthi, Navneet
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: European Journal of Operational Research
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.07.013

In this paper, we study the problem of designing a hub network that is robust against deliberate attacks (interdictions). The problem is modeled as a three-level, two-player Stackelberg game, in which the network designer (defender) acts first to locate hubs to route a set of flows through the netwo...(Read Full Abstract)

Are green and healthy building labels counterproductive in emerging markets? An examination of office rental contracts in India

  • Authors: Banerjee, Anirban; Das, Prashant; Fuerst, Franz
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Journal of Cleaner Production
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141838
    Access Type: hybrid

Financial prudence compels businesses to improve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance when the marginal benefits, pecuniary or non -pecuniary, exceed the marginal costs. For many firms, renting green offices is a feasible ESG activity which may increase their willingness to ...(Read Full Abstract)

Biodiversity conservation and restoration as a new research frontier for business scholars

  • Authors: Panwar, Rajat; Testa, Francesco; Walls, Judith L.; Bebbington, Jan; Lee, Janice Ser Huay; Turaga, Rama Mohana
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Organization & Environment
    DOI: 10.1177/10860266241297472

Biodiversity - the variety of life on Earth - is essential to our environmental, social, and economic well-being. It forms the foundation of all life and plays a vital role in cultural traditions across many societies. More than half of the world?s GDP is moderately or highly dependent on biodiversi...(Read Full Abstract)

Can biofuels help achieve sustainable development goals in India? A systematic review

  • Authors: Das, Prantika; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Saxena, Satyam; Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
    DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2023.114246

Biofuels are expected to play a pivotal role in developing economies' transition towards net-zero emissions. However, their promotion can cause multifaceted sustainability concerns. National biofuel policies often align with the optimistic discourse surrounding biofuels but may lack comprehensive me...(Read Full Abstract)

Capacitated multiple allocation hub location problems under the risk of interdiction: model formulations and solution approaches

  • Authors: Bansal, Vishal; Jayaswal, Sachin; Sinha, Ankur
    Year: 2024 | IIM Ahmedabad
    Source: Annals of Operations Research
    DOI: 10.1007/s10479-023-05563-4

Hub-and-spoke networks play a critical role in reducing cost and enhancing service levels in various infrastructural sectors since hubs act as the consolidation and transshipment points of the flows. The failure of hubs in such a network can cause severe disruptions. While disruptions can be natural...(Read Full Abstract)